27 May 2005

Coiffure Continued

One of my concerns with the change of hair was being able to communicate with the hair dresser in English. I thought this might be important for a big change like this. Oddly enough, it's been a very international hair experience despite my thinking I was being careful to take care of this before departure.

My mom recommended a lady. On the phone she sounded...foreign, far east, but her name sounded Hispanic. In person, she was definitely Asian. Her English was heavily accented. I explained what I wanted while one part of my brain wondered how her English was. Does she know what I'm saying? About that point she scissored off the majority of my hair in three cuts. As my time in the chair passed, I realized she speaks English very well. She told me she was "Vietnamee". Her husband, Spanish. (Thus explaining the name.) On a side note, she was outraged at her husband's aunt for telling her children that Christmas is really in July. Auntie is a Jehovah's Witness. This is the all-American-melting pot in one family.

So today, I decided I need product. I'm having to learn what to do with the new hair and it hasn't gone well each day. I headed for the beauty supply place and ask the two nice ladies - one older lady with gray funky hair, and one an African American girl. The younger defers to the elder who takes me back to look at gels. She's German I'm guessing from the accent though her name is Suzie. She touches my hair a lot and proceeds to tell and also demonstrate how to "scunj" my hair. She says scunj so many times I'm trying not to get tickled.

We'll see if the product works or not, but I've got very international hair already. Definitely not plain white bread in the JoCo suburbs! Now I have to go scunj my hair.


  1. Wow, talk about diversity! I think that's interesting. I have trouble communicating with people how I want my hair--even when we speak the same language! The only time I ever went regularly to a hair place was in Indiana...they had a picture on the wall of how I kept my hair at the time and they cut it right every time...regardless of who it was that cut it. I have tried to get that same cut everywhere else and no luck--it's a simple cut too, I don't know why it never turns out the same?

  2. It's just training for when the hairdresser really is speaking a different language.

  3. I hope your hair will scunj nicely in Spain. I wonder what their hair products are like.
