24 May 2005

Ah, freedom

I finally did it. I got my hair cut off. It needed to be done especially since I'd gotten the bad perm last fall. Why wait? I was, on the one hand, unsure of what to do and on the other hand waiting for it to have enough length to do something with. I'd gotten to the point I dreaded showering because I was going to have to comb my hair. It was a lengthy ordeal, no pun intended. Today I showered and there was no 10 minute combing and applying products to tame my hair needed. This is freedom. I may decide I like the short hair thing. I'd post a picture but I don't know how to do that yet. I'll see you soon.


  1. good for you! I am torn right now. I think I've decided to keep my long hair this summer. At least for now! Short hair is awesome!

  2. she's a HOTTIE! (That's why I use her old teddy bear/monkey thingy for my personal profile picture!)

  3. That monkey is freaky!

  4. she thinks I'm makin' fun of it - but I think it excudes personhood.

  5. The monkey or the hair!? Just kidding...btw, for those who haven't seen it yet....I LOVE the new doo raom. I am still keeping mine long at the moment, but your are causing me to pause and think about that decision! I just can't do the cute curls like you. It looks bad on me....very bad.

  6. Roaming, do you mind if I get the same doo? I can do the cute curls once my hair is long enough. :)

  7. I saw your hairdo from a distance last night at church. I almost didn't recognize you because of the drastic change. I do love it and it looks good on you!

  8. You should post a pic for those of us long distance! :-)

  9. This monkey's name isn't bimbo is it?

  10. What exactly are you implying sir? hmmmm....!!?!??

  11. it isn't my brother's monkey named Bimbo because he still has it. But the picture looks very similar to the Bimbo I know. Maybe they are related.

  12. It's a bear and if the picture was clear enough you could see that he's got plastic tears in his strange little face. How can you get rid of a bear that's crying?
