Just a thought. I see here I haven't posted all year. The blog was originally for keeping in touch with friends while we were in Spain. Some of the friends have moved away from KC, but we are all keeping up on facebook now rather than following one another's blogs. I fell off the blog train for sure.
I keep wondering and wanting to reignite my writing life. In order to move forward in the writing world, I really need to start blogging as a writer and connecting with other blogs. The thing is I don't really have time to keep up with email and Facebook as it is now. How will I add being an active part of the blog writing community to that and how would I draw people here who want to read something significant about writing? It's just a thought right now. I could start posting my worries about writing or possible rants against the process. Latest discouragements. Hmmm, sounds so alluring.
I could post short stories all year, like Forest (a friend who has posted a painting a week for a year). I don't know. I definitely want to respark my writing life when we got to the USA. Will I? Can I?
It's only in addition to scheduling fund raising service, writing new scripts for video production, doing a new website for the video/missions life. Is there room for more? It all sounds like work right now. I'm not so sure what to do.
I'm a fan of typing whatever is the most enjoyable. I certainly know that FB and email can take a lot of time. It still is nice to have somewhere else to post what's going on inside your head. I hope you find some time somewhere in the schedule.